让团队团结起来 & 提供卓越的解决方案

经过50年的运营, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) knew it was time to replace their central utilities plant. Among the challenges faced by the contractors was building the new plant in the middle of an extremely cramped airport while keeping the existing plant operational. 一个设计概念被呈现给参赛的团队, 由总承包人组成的, 机械工程公司和分包贸易. 在选拔过程的开始, 莫里公司, 与Clark McCarthy (CMJV)合作, (合资企业)和奥雅纳工程公司, invited 太阳城官网mpany to join the team to provide input on the development of the hydronic pumping and heating systems required to satisfy the diverse loads associated with the airport.  


基于原来的概念, in 2011 the team began design of a cooling plant consisting of 24,000 tons of cooling and over 36 million BTUs of heating for the airport. 冷却系统将使用10个泵, 生产62,000流量 of condenser water to feed a ten cell tower located on the roof of the building. The chill water system would consist of 13 primary/secondary pumps capable of producing over 70,000流量.

通过项目的初始阶段, 该队成为中标者, and jumped into action to design and build the new central plant that would serve LAX for the next 50 years. But before they could start the work, they had to propose some changes.

在最初的概念中, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) required a combination of ANSI end suction pumps and large horizontal split case pumps for circulation in the hydronic systems. 太阳城官网mpany was tasked with demonstrating to LAWA that the Bell & Gossett 1510 end suction pumps and VSX double suction pumps were a superior solution to the basis of their design. 莫里公司 and CMJV set up a meeting with LAWA personnel that included Brian Pendleton, 总运营工程师, 罗伯特·“鲍勃”·约翰逊, 高级操作工程师, 在中央公用事业厂. Dawson was assisted in the presentation by Eugene de Souza, who was Engineer of Record. 在这次会议上, LAWA personnel were able see how double suction pump design has evolved from the first generation of horizontal split case pumps—the basis of design for the project—to the second generation VSC style pump introduced by Bell & Gossett back in the late ’60s, to the third generation VSX design currently in production. 除了演示之外, a cut away and actual pump ready for shipment to a local job site were brought out to the meeting so LAWA personnel would have an opportunity to put their hands on them and see for themselves the quality and ease of serviceability designed into the VSX product. At the end of the meeting, it was clear that LAWA was sold on using the Bell & Gossett VSX泵为他们新的最先进的中央工厂. 橡皮球现在已经上路了,队员们开始飞奔起来. 

After receiving permission from LAWA to proceed with the VSX pump, 副校长尤金·德·索萨, 还有尤瓦拉杰·萨拉瓦南, 高级机械工程师, 及郭富城, 奥雅纳机械工程师, 与大卫·埃尔南德斯密切合作, V.P. 业务拓展组, 和曼尼·马索, 商业销售经理, 在选择符合设计理念的设备时. 除了, 曼尼和吉姆·梅斯合作密切, 项目经理, 普拉卡什·帕特尔, 项目工程师, 在投标期间和整个项目期间为默里公司提供服务, ensuring that all the LAWA specification requirements were met. Project Superintendent Tim Orban worked with scheduling equipment deliveries to get equipment onsite when needed. 

与大多数设计-建造项目一样, the selection process was constantly changing in order to provide an optimal system. Through many iterations, a final design was determined, and Bell & 戈塞特现在的任务是交付产品. 在设备制造过程中, LAWA assigned inspectors to travel to the factory to witness assembly and performance testing. This was accomplished over a five-week period, and then the pumps were released for shipment. 因为工地的交货限制, and the stipulation that plant and airport operations were not to be disrupted per contract, it was determined that all equipment would be delivered to 太阳城官网mpany’s facility in Pomona for staging. Murray company trucks would drop by in the afternoon and arrive at the job site for after-hours delivery. Pumps were then rigged into place, and as one set was finished, another pick up was arranged. 这个过程花了2个月才完成, but did offer a superior alternative to storing equipment at an active job site. 


该项目的其他方面包括1.6 million gallon thermal energy storage system connected to (2) 4900 GPM Model VSX – VSH 12x14x17 1/2B Bell & 戈塞仍泵, a 36" CRS coalescing air separator (the first ever built by the factory), (2) QSU 228-2 22" diameter x 8' long heat exchangers using 38880 lb./hr. 30 PSI蒸汽加热1440 GPM的终端,(1)SUT 32.5 shell tube heat exchanger to be used as an emergency dump for the steam turbines, 可容纳超过25人,000 lb./hr. 100 PSIG蒸汽. Also included on the heating side was a P-21 plate and frame heat exchanger providing space heating within the central plant itself. All heat exchangers were supplied with seismic calculations as required by contract documentation and codes.  

2013年8月, 太阳城官网mpany provided training classes for the LAWA maintenance personnel on the proper safe operation of the equipment. Dawson has continued to work closely with Maintenance Supervisor Clarence Harris to ensure the longevity of the equipment through our service department, 曼尼·马索继续对该项目进行尽职调查.

项目的另一个方面是太阳城官网, 通过其电子商务网站, was able to offer the facilities personnel their own website in order to review IO&Ms, submittals, and parts requirements for each piece of equipment supplied. This allowed 太阳城官网mpany to provide 24/7 access to information specific to the project and was an add-on to the scope of the project. 

2011年开始的工作终于在4月23日完成了, 2015年在工厂举行了剪彩仪式. 由于团队的努力,这个项目取得了成功. CMJV, Arup, 莫里公司, 太阳城官网mpany, and of course the factories of Bell & Gossett worked together in a cohesive manner that provided LAWA with a state-of-the-art plant to serve LAX for years to come. 这就是我们所说的“超出预期的表现”!——太阳城官网.


  • (5) - vx - vsh 14x16x15A, 125HP双吸泵
  • (2) - vx - vsh 8x10x13-1/2A 30HP双吸泵
  • (6) - vx - vsh 12x14x17-1/2B 300HP双吸泵
  • (2) - vx - vsh 12x14x17-1/2B 125HP双吸泵
  • (3) - vx - vscs 5x6x13-1/2A 100马力双吸泵
  • (10) - vx - vsh 12x14x17-1/2A 200HP双吸泵
  • (2) - e1510 2BC 5HP端吸泵
  • (2) - QSU228-2外壳 & 管式换热器
  • (1) - GPX AP-21 GPX板 & 框架式换热器
  • (1) - sut328.5 - 2层 & 管式换热器
  • (1) - CRS-36F-HV聚结空气分离器
  • (1) - RL-12FB空气分离器
  • (1) - RL-3FB空气分离器
  • (4) - B5000气囊膨胀罐
  • (1) - B3000气囊膨胀罐
  • (1) - B800气囊膨胀罐